Next up is a shy new author, Michael Brookes
How do
you strike the balance between writing something you want to write and writing
something that people want to read, in terms of the compromises you make, if
first draft is purely for me. I then do an edit pass where I try to put myself
as the reader rather than the author. I then throw it out to some trusted test
readers who'll then provide feedback on what works or doesn't. I then review
the feedback, if the point makes sense then I'll act on it. If not I may
discuss it further, but ultimately it's down to me. As a writer I do believe
that I am trying to get better so I find that feedback invaluable.
excites, attracts or appeals to you about the genre(s) you write in.
I like
to mix genres, I find they all have something to bring to the table. For
example science fiction brings vision, techno thrillers bring an attention to
detail and so forth. The Cult of Me comes vaguely within the horror genre, but
does take techniques from horror stories as well as military thrillers and
contemporary fiction.
Do you
have a box, drawer, folder etc where you keep thoughts and ideas for future
stories? Such as names you have come across, bits of dialogue, ideas,
characters - even if you have no idea when you might use them?
really, although I guess I should :-) I tend to let ideas percolate in my head
until I have need of them.
How do
you manage plot bunnies (ideas that invade your mind that aren’t usually
helpful to the story you’re writing but breed
I gut
and skin them :-) I'm a great believer in planning, especially for novels.
Invading thoughts that threaten the plan have to have something pretty good in
mind. With shorter pieces I'm a bit more freeform and let the bunnies have
their say. Although quite often they are ruthlessly destroyed when the edit
passes begin.
How much
of you is in your characters? Which of your characters is the you that you’d
most like to be? Or be with ?
more than I'd like, especially for the main character in the series. I think
Friar Francis represents an almost a scholarly ideal I'd like to possess, but
he still retains a harsh pragmatism to get the job done.
Do you
become so wrapped up in your writing that your spouse wonders if they're
married to you or one of your characters?
probably spend far too much time working and writing, but being not-so-young,
reasonably priced and single I don't get into trouble for it.
type of book do you like reading? Is it the same genre as you write?
I read a
variety of genres, mostly fantasy, horror and science fiction. However I enjoy
classics, thrillers and non-fiction as well. I'm currently reading Paradise
Lost, which for me is probably the best story ever written.
lengths do you go to to convince us readers that your book has the X factor?
quite new to the business of publishing my work, so I don't think I've found my
limits yet. Even though I knew it would be the case before I published it can
be a little frustrating as a new author trying to get known and of course get
some sales. As wiser people have told me, it's a long game, so I'll keep
working on new books and stories as well as developing my blog and
participating in communities like the Kindle Users Forum. In many ways
it's a harder task than writing in the first place, but it does have the
advantage of getting to know new people.
How do
you feel when a reader points out the spelling mistake(s) you have made?
I work
in the games industry so I'm quite used to harsh feedback :-) I actually prefer
people to be honest, if they see a mistake please point it out so I can correct
it if I can. Constructive and specific feedback should be of value to any
What do
you like most about visiting KUF/forums?
I'm a
bit of a newbie, but the warm welcome was great. I also like the mix between
authors and readers, there's some interesting discussions and useful feedback.
What is
on your near horizon?
The Cult
of Me is the first in a trilogy so I'm currently waist deep in the second book
- Conversations in the Abyss. I'm also working on a short story for the KUF End
of the World Anthology.
can we find you for more information?