The Lost City is the fifth and final installment in the wonderful Time Hunters series. Becky, her brother Joe and Uncle Percy, the time traveller, are off to find El Dorado, the fabled Lost City.
This book starts off with a massive bang. Emmerson Drake, their evil enemy blows up not only the Houses of Parliament, but just about every other major seat of power. The story then ramps up as the family set off to find the last of the Eden Relics.
This may be a children's book, but I know of so many (alleged) grown-ups who love this series. It has great depth, lots of action, humour and love. What's not to like.
I'm a bit sad that this is the end. The first Time Hunter story was the first kindle book I paid for and I feel I've been on this journey with the Mellors. I'd like to think there'll be more stories set in this world.
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