My next chat is with Kaska, another forum book addict.
If you could live in the age of a setting in a book , which book & why.
Oh definitely a time before TV & mobile phones. In fact any time before
celebrities were born.
It would probably be a time of simplicity within a spiritual cult of some kind, maybe the Druids.
Katie Stewarts book TreeSpeaker comes to mind of a small village living in peace, with a little bit of magic & a lot of intuition & a connection to the earth & beyond. I think I could be feisty enough to battle evil Lords too :)
It would probably be a time of simplicity within a spiritual cult of some kind, maybe the Druids.
Katie Stewarts book TreeSpeaker comes to mind of a small village living in peace, with a little bit of magic & a lot of intuition & a connection to the earth & beyond. I think I could be feisty enough to battle evil Lords too :)
Does it annoy you the book finishes well before 100% because the author
mentions their other works at the back of the novel. Do you mind if the author
includes a synopsis or even an excerpt
No not at all. I don't take any notice of the percentage. When the story's
finished it's finished. It's my choice to read the extra bits or not.
Are you put off if you see a book is part of a series? Or does that entice
you, knowing that if you like it there are more books to enjoy.
Most respected series will give you a good & complete tale leaving enough
room at the end for a follow on. Very exciting. And you can choose to
read on or not as it's not actually necessary.
But some indie authors haven't got the gist of this & just spread a very
long book into a series of several books. I wish a good friend of relative
would put them right.
Do you read the Look Inside before purchasing? Always? Sometimes,
depending on the reviews? Never?
Always! I've been caught out before by purchasing on a good synopsis &
reviews only to be disappointed when I actually come to reading it.
Do you read for hours at a time, or in short bursts, or a mixture of
the two?
I try to space it out so that I'm not indulging wholly in one thing for a long
period of time. But i can forget that rule at times. That also
applies to other areas of my life.
How important are reviews of a book to you? Would they influence your
choice to buy it?
Reviews can be a problem. Some help some hinder. I check the reviewers profile
first before reading their review, then make a decision whether it's worth
reading or not.
The only real way to influence my choice to buy is by sampling it, but I
guess seeing a lot of reviews under a book does encourage me to make that step.
Do you think you remain unbiased when reviewing books by people you know
or interact with on the internet
No, I don't think I do fully & I don't think I'm alone in that.
It's a bit like Come Dine With Me, in that the meal/book has been extended
beyond the ingredients & your score accommodates the entertainment &
such like.
The book itself becomes the person, a known person, a nice or nasty person
& you weave that personality & relationship into your
How do you feel about leaving negative reviews
If I don't like a book, I know early on & stop reading it. Therefore I
don't normally write a review on the basis of
only reading 10 pages.
As I only usually complete books that are
readable to me then my reviews are positive. I may within a positive review
make a negative remark but I am comfortable with that.
Are you more lenient with regards mistakes if you know a book is self
published, or do you believe the authors should have hired an editor to make
sure it's the best it can be?
I think if an author has taken the time & dedication to write a book then
he/she should see it through to the end & make the time for those final
touches or get someone else to do it for them.
A shoddy book cover & poor editing in my opinion ruins the hard work
initially put in.
You wouldn't promote a suit with the stitching unfinished or a sweater that was
unravelling regardless of the quality of materials used nor would you sell an
part baked cake or a cold cup of tea.
I think a quality & proud author will make sure his work will have a
quality finish.
I know this to be true as those such as Ken Maggee, Katie Stewart & David
Wailing to name but a few indie authors on KUF have all taken great care &
time with their finishing details. And damn good reading material they've
produced too!
If something an author did upset or bothered you, would it stop you
reading more of their work, even if you've read their stuff before and enjoyed
In a word. Yes.
Nice interview - good to meet Kaska properly! :)